Freitag, 4. November 2011

Blade EVO II V1.1.4 Beta UPdate!

Max Payne II :: BLADE II EVO MOD V1.1.4 BETA :: by: Fr0z3n

.......some Bugs Fixed in this Verson!


to play the mods without problems dont forget to add -developer -developerkeys to your MaxPayne2.exe!

Create a shortcut to MaxPayne2.exe primarily located in C:/Program Files/Rockstar Games/Max Payne 2. Right click on the shortcut and click properties. In the Target field, add after .exe " -developer -developerkeys

this looks like this: "C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Max Payne 2\MaxPayne2.exe" -developer -developerkeys

Next, double-click the shortcut and go into the game.

2 Kommentare:

  1. hi fr0z3n
    I still have the same problem there another solution to the operational requirements that the appropriate graphics card for my mods card is "Mobile lntel (R) 945 Express Chipset"!
    thx @
